Allright, as most of the people on server 1 saw, i did in fact write a very bad word in the advert....
It was a mistake ofcourse, i would never say something like that, i was being raised the right way with respect.
The guy i was taking care of, was a massive rulebreaker. He killed allot of people, and disrespected.
I warned/muted him. But i wouldnt leaveh im alone since he just did all that, and he tried to put in the following in the
advert, which he couldnt hence the mute.
A mod was teleporting to him because, he needed help for something.
The mod asked "why are you chat mutet" and the guy started lying about how i falsely muted him and stuff.
So i was going to copy the stuff he was gonna write too all the people in server1, to show the mod.
I simply copied the message > /advert admins are dirty little .. <
AND OFCOURSE i forget to add something infront of the freaking advert, so the whole server got the message by me...
I apologise to everyone who saw that, it was a mistake, and i would never do stuff like that. Ever!
People know this was a mistake and i would never write stuff like that.
- Im sorry again
(Didnt get a warning for it, for the people who want to know. It was a mistake)