Nafe wrote:
Gems wrote:
Nafe wrote:
SyStem wrote:
You are one of the most racist people ive met on zarp, you do not omly make fun of people that are black, but also who have another religion. You dont deserver to be in this community, to be honest...
Gems wrote:
hah funny racism is funny
Yes paying for a service another person offers is very racist!!!!!
Here you pay 5$ and solve world the never ending issue of hatred in the world:
Its degradation of foreign cultures, it may not be definitive racism but it is definitly offensive, and posted with malicious intent.
I don't think you quite understand, the people who've been payed to make that video, do that on EVERY video without being asked, it's not his fault that they do that is it? If they felt it was racist would they have made it? No.
All he gets to do is send them a script to read, that's it.
Just because they're agreeing to it, doesn't mean its right.
Alot of people will compromise their morale in desperate situations, and five dollars is alot of money to these people, if your friend really wanted to do some good, then he would have donated to a charity concept, not some people mocking their own culture for profit.