RealDenis wrote:
@Raeker @Chummy
Sorry bud, but you're just being stupid at this point.
Thing is you guys reference what would happen "in reality" but we all know that in reality Tyler would be punished for his poor choices, regardless of his hard work he participated in the same thing Para did so if you use that excuse for Tyler then you should use it for Para aswell since it's the same situation and they both did great work.
Reality? I'm not talking about reality, I'm talking about the community. And from a community perspective Tyler would not be punished. Also, which poor choices are you hinting at exactly?
I'll say it once again that it has been stated that the only "blackmail" towards Tyler was the threat of Para exposing his own voter fraud and I've also explained how ludacrius this is if Tyler had actually done the right thing from the start this whole issue would not be happening.
You don't know that, you're assuming that. All of the Lead Team were moved into a spacer when Para got CM banned, and it was emphasised that Tyler had nothing to do with the fraud and he was being blackmailed all year. You're assuming that there were plenty of opportunities for Tyler to come out with the truth, but you don't know if that's actually the case. I don't believe that it's as simple as you're making it out to be.
On top of this complaining about people making judgements without the full story is also pretty absurd as it is not the community's fault for it but actually the CM team's fault for not giving us the full story which forces the community to make judgements prior to having all the information and I really doubt Tyler is so unreachable that he is able to give away all this information but not post on the situation himself.
"It's the CM team's fault for not giving us the full story" sorry man, but are you stupid? They've told us everything we have to know, including the fact that Tyler is completely innocent. We don't know if they haven't told us everything, something I actually said earlier myself, so you're once again making assumptions without facts to back it up. The fact that you're completely acceptant of everything that's happened
except for one person being innocent says quite a lot about what information you like to take in.
Also, Tyler is on holiday currently. I do believe he will respond to this situation in due time, however don't forget that this is actually a difficult thing for him as well. Regardless of Para blackmailing him, they were still very good friends. I find it completely understandable if he'd rather keep low about the situation. He does not owe you any kind of an explanation, no matter how much you might believe he does.
On top of this if a small group of literally 2 people say that someone is not at fault and let's say 30-40 people say that the same person is at fault with the same story then clearly the 2 people are incorrect in the situation.
Except that the people who say that the person is at fault have literally nothing to do with the situation. The CM team has investigated the issue and have spoken to both Para as well as Tyler about it (something that cannot be said for the judgemental opinions of those on the forums) and have come to the conclusion that Tyler is not at fault. Saying that Tyler is at fault because some people on the forums said so is just plain wrong. I'd rather believe a correct minority that has knowledge about the situation than an incorrect majority that is complaining without anything to back up their opinions.
It's not ignorance it's an evaluation of the situation we have been told about, if we aren't told everything we can't evaluate everything and the attitude that the CM team is not obligated to tell us anything at all is what causes people to preemptively judge the situation as there is no guarantee of them getting more information as you said yourself.
You're once again assuming that the CM team owes you anything, but they don't. They might represent the community but that does not mean they have to tell the community everything. You're saying that you will make your own judgements because they don't tell you everything, but what if there's nothing more to tell? Tyler has been blackmailed throughout the whole year and from that it's been decided that he is completely innocent. You shouldn't have to need all the available information given to you to be able to trust someone's word. The fact that they've said that Tyler is innocent should be enough in its own right.
So really Ace and the other members of the community who have voiced any opinion that isn't licking Tyler's arse and making him out to be a victim are not "jumping on a hate bandwagon" or "leading it" they are simply voicing their opinions based on the information given to us and once again it's not irrational at all to do it so early as no guarantee has been given to them that any more information will be revealed either way.
It is actually irrational, because Tyler has been said to be innocent. You're looking at the proof provided to you and going "Well, that's wrong" instead of believing in the CM team, even though you do believe in the CM team about the rest of the story. It's like you're picking and choosing what of the story to believe.
P.S. when you really think about it the CM team consists of Tyler, EMP and Chute at the moment
Not sure why you're leaving Captin and Max out of this.
and Tyler's position is being questioned by many community members
It's questioned based on facts and accusations that have been proven wrong or are based on factless arguments.
so really the only opinions that matter in this situation are EMP and Chute's
No, the opinion that matters is that of the CM team that has investigated the issue. And they have found Tyler to be innocent.
and EMP has voiced no such opinion so far.
As stated by the post, the ones mostly involved were Captin, Max and Chute. Tyler said his opinion but did not actually investigate the issue. EMP is not directly involved which is exactly why he hasn't made his opinion known.
My point is at the moment we are taking Chute's opinion of the situation as the correct one to have but Chute is only human so there is bound to be a lot of bias in this decision due to them being friends/colleagues for so long and Tyler doing a good job. Just bare that in mind.
Para did a good job, too, so to say that the CM team's decision is influenced by Tyler's performances the past year is invalid when he got CM banned. In the end, it's the CM team's opinion that matters, not one opinion of a single person. You're basing your statement on invalid and baseless arguments so before judging Tyler I'd advice you to not come onto a post such as this one and shout such complete bullshit.