MyNameBrokeTOU wrote:
MsRevine wrote:
MyNameBrokeTOU wrote:
MsRevine wrote:
Clarky wrote:
MsRevine wrote:
So people spend most of their time on Zarp when they home, now gonna get an app to be connected to zarp even when they're outside so they get no social communication at all?
hell yeah.
The fuck you on about?
Allow it man, girl lazy
Not an excuse to have a single digit IQ
homie you named yourself after a game where you build a tower out of blocks
Edit: Your IQ is now negative, don't even ask how that is possible
Jenga is a game of physical skill created by Leslie Scott, and currently marketed by Hasbro. Players take turns removing one block at a time from a tower constructed of 54 blocks. Each block removed is then placed on top of the tower, creating a progressively taller and unstable structure.