The Infection Update!
7 years 3 months ago #735609
THE INFECTION ☣ IS COMING. GEN CORP's head scientist Sans Lorofksy has lost his mind and is planning to infect the entire city with his new drug known only by its codename GZT in order to further his cause into world domination; leaving nothing but devastation in his path. He's given us a 24 hour warning before he infects us all, how nice of him...
Will you survive?
hazmat suit = infection immunity
The Infection Update!
7 years 3 months ago #735796
Fred Wroolie wrote:
leave your guesses what is gonna be new in the update!
Mine Is a suit that leaves a 'gas' of some sort that poisons people around you (like x4 of what the nerve gas does)
New printer obvs
Printer hacker 3.0 (Keeps the boosted)
Laser type of weapon that is good for PVP not destroying props
IDK (High hopes here) an AI bot/drone that can be deployed and picked up)