Steam Profile Link:
Rate your activity on the server (Gametrackers recommended):
Server 2:
Server 3:
Rate your overall attacking skill:
Rate your overall defending skill:
What server are you mostly on?
Server 2 atm but that's just because my friends play mostly on there, i don't mind playing other servers.
State your in-game cash balance:
42m atm (12.5m gems for easter event)
State your currently owned upgrades/special weapons:
Scope boost, Ammo boost, Health upgrade, Armor upgrade, Thundergun, Emp grenade, EDF, Handcannon, Riot shield (why not), Rpg, Damascus sword, Portable emp, Doorcharge, Iridium pickaxe, Nerv gas.
Do you agree to abide by all gang rules?:
Why do you think you should be chosen to join? (at least 75 words):
My activity is okay and I don't mind playing on a other server that i'm on at that moment. i won't backstab, i'm a trustworthy person and if you want confirmation for that ask wreckingball, i want to join too because some of my friends are in the gang.I based with surge before and still got some dupes from it, I hope i get accepted and that i can help make the gang superior again