What is your Steam Name?:Cameron Maduro
What is your Steam ID?76561198276009669<-64 Steam id->STEAM_0:1:157871970
Steam Profile Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276009669
Rate your activity on the server (Gametrackers recommended):I am active on all 3 servers mainly s1,s2 but s3 for raiding or helping S1:https://www.gametracker.com/player/Cameron%20Maduro/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27015/
www.gametracker.com/player/Bameron/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27015/ S2:https://www.gametracker.com/player/Bameron/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27025/
www.gametracker.com/player/Cameron%20Mad...arpgaming.com:27025/ S3:https://www.gametracker.com/player/Cameron%20Maduro/usa.zarpgaming.com:27015/
Rate your overall attacking skill:7/10
Rate your overall defending skill:8/10
What server are you mostly on? All Most time s2
State your in-game cash balance:$1,150,003,672
State your currently owned upgrades/special weapons:Bank,Scope,Ammo,Health,Armor | Jug,Hyper,Gluons,Mini 2's, orbs, Much much more
Do you agree to abide by all gang rules?:Yes
Why do you think you should be chosen to join? (at least 75 words):Well, not only can I help with raiding defending or building I am wealthy so wont be afraid of using items in raids or defending I am also very outgoing and friendly to those who are on my team I donate money items or whatever a person needs if it's a deperate matter and don't care about getting it back as it's all just pixels and i'm good friends with Micky as I have known him for some time and always helped him out and enjoyed my time with players in Surge