Link to steam profile:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:177754963
Gametracker profiles:
"The server you requested is not in the GameTracker database."
RP Name: VerdaPlay
RP Related
Rate yourself on 1 to 10 on building: 9
Rate yourself on 1 to 10 on combat: 7
Rate yourself on 1 to 10 on raiding: 8
What craft able items do you have: None at the moment cause i sold my craft able items for a new car
How much money do you have: 8,000,000$
Why you should be chosen(50 words recommended): I am a good help when it comes to basing or raiding. I am willing to help MS-13 become first on leaderboards.
Other: This is my new account because i cannot use my previous account due to personal reasons. On my previous account I had almost 250 hours on zarp only.