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Still dont know how to fix it?D:\Programy\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\gamemodes\sandbox\entities\weapons\gmod_tool
Go to Steam, find your Garry's Mod and find its location. Now to go garrysmod\gamemodes\sandbox\entities\weapons\gmod_tool, for me it would look like:
Now open (the best program to edit it is Notepad++) cl_init.lua and remove whole content. Now paste following code inside:
local gmod_drawhelp = CreateClientConVar( "gmod_drawhelp", "1", true, false )
local gmod_toolmode = CreateClientConVar( "gmod_toolmode", "rope", true, true )
// HACK: We need a better way to do this
local LastSwitchTime = 0
cvars.AddChangeCallback( "gmod_toolmode", function( name, old, new )
if ( old == new || LastSwitchTime + .1 > CurTime() ) then return end
LastSwitchTime = CurTime()
spawnmenu.ActivateTool( new )
end, "gmod_toolmode_panel" )
include( "shared.lua" )
include( "cl_viewscreen.lua" )
SWEP.PrintName = "Tool Gun"
SWEP.Slot = 5
SWEP.SlotPos = 6
SWEP.DrawAmmo = false
SWEP.DrawCrosshair = true
SWEP.WepSelectIcon = surface.GetTextureID( "vgui/gmod_tool" )
SWEP.Gradient = surface.GetTextureID( "gui/gradient" )
SWEP.InfoIcon = surface.GetTextureID( "gui/info" )
SWEP.ToolNameHeight = 0
SWEP.InfoBoxHeight = 0
surface.CreateFont( "GModToolName",
font = "Roboto Bk",
size = 80,
weight = 1000
surface.CreateFont( "GModToolSubtitle",
font = "Roboto Bk",
size = 24,
weight = 1000
surface.CreateFont( "GModToolHelp",
font = "Roboto Bk",
size = 17,
weight = 1000
Draws the help on the HUD (disabled if gmod_drawhelp is 0)
function SWEP:DrawHUD()
local mode = gmod_toolmode:GetString()
-- Don't draw help for a nonexistant tool!
if ( !self:GetToolObject() ) then return end
if ( !gmod_drawhelp:GetBool() ) then return end
-- This could probably all suck less than it already does
local x, y = 50, 40
local w, h = 0, 0
local TextTable = {}
local QuadTable = {}
QuadTable.texture = self.Gradient
QuadTable.color = Color( 10, 10, 10, 180 )
QuadTable.x = 0
QuadTable.y = y - 8
QuadTable.w = 600
QuadTable.h = self.ToolNameHeight - ( y - 8 )
draw.TexturedQuad( QuadTable )
TextTable.font = "GModToolName"
TextTable.color = Color( 240, 240, 240, 255 )
TextTable.pos = { x, y }
TextTable.text = "#tool." .. mode .. ".name"
w, h = draw.TextShadow( TextTable, 2 )
y = y + h
TextTable.font = "GModToolSubtitle"
TextTable.pos = { x, y }
TextTable.text = "#tool." .. mode .. ".desc"
w, h = draw.TextShadow( TextTable, 1 )
y = y + h + 8
self.ToolNameHeight = y
QuadTable.y = y
QuadTable.h = self.InfoBoxHeight
local alpha = math.Clamp( 255 + ( self:GetToolObject().LastMessage - CurTime() ) * 800, 10, 255 )
QuadTable.color = Color( alpha, alpha, alpha, 230 )
draw.TexturedQuad( QuadTable )
y = y + 4
TextTable.font = "GModToolHelp"
if ( !self:GetToolObject().Information ) then
TextTable.pos = { x + self.InfoBoxHeight, y }
TextTable.text = self:GetToolObject():GetHelpText()
w, h = draw.TextShadow( TextTable, 1 )
surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
surface.SetTexture( self.InfoIcon )
surface.DrawTexturedRect( x + 1, y + 1, h - 3, h - 3 )
self.InfoBoxHeight = h + 8
local h2 = 0
for k, v in pairs( self:GetToolObject().Information ) do
if ( type( v ) == "string" ) then v = { name = v } end
if ( ! ) then continue end
if ( v.stage && v.stage != self:GetStage() ) then continue end
if ( v.op && v.op != self:GetToolObject():GetOperation() ) then continue end
local txt = "#tool." .. GetConVarString( "gmod_toolmode" ) .. "." ..
if ( == "info" ) then
txt = self:GetToolObject():GetHelpText()
TextTable.text = txt
TextTable.pos = { x + 21, y + h2 }
w, h = draw.TextShadow( TextTable, 1 )
if ( !v.icon ) then
if ( "info" ) ) then v.icon = "gui/info" end
if ( "left" ) ) then v.icon = "gui/lmb.png" end
if ( "right" ) ) then v.icon = "gui/rmb.png" end
if ( "reload" ) ) then v.icon = "gui/r.png" end
if ( !v.icon2 && "use" ) ) then v.icon2 = "gui/e.png" end
self.Icons = self.Icons or {}
if ( v.icon && !self.Icons[ v.icon ] ) then self.Icons[ v.icon ] = Material( v.icon ) end
if ( v.icon2 && !self.Icons[ v.icon2 ] ) then self.Icons[ v.icon2 ] = Material( v.icon2 ) end
if ( v.icon && self.Icons[ v.icon ] && !self.Icons[ v.icon ]:IsError() ) then
surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
surface.SetMaterial( self.Icons[ v.icon ] )
surface.DrawTexturedRect( x, y + h2, 16, 16 )
if ( v.icon2 && self.Icons[ v.icon2 ] && !self.Icons[ v.icon2 ]:IsError() ) then
surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 )
surface.SetMaterial( self.Icons[ v.icon2 ] )
surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 25, y + h2, 16, 16 )
draw.SimpleText( "+", "default", x - 8, y + h2 + 2, color_white )
h2 = h2 + h
self.InfoBoxHeight = h2 + 8
function SWEP:SetStage( ... )
if ( !self:GetToolObject() ) then return end
return self:GetToolObject():SetStage( ... )
function SWEP:GetStage( ... )
if ( !self:GetToolObject() ) then return end
return self:GetToolObject():GetStage( ... )
function SWEP:ClearObjects( ... )
if ( !self:GetToolObject() ) then return end
self:GetToolObject():ClearObjects( ... )
function SWEP:StartGhostEntities( ... )
if ( !self:GetToolObject() ) then return end
self:GetToolObject():StartGhostEntities( ... )
function SWEP:PrintWeaponInfo( x, y, alpha )
function SWEP:FreezeMovement()
local mode = self:GetMode()
if ( !self:GetToolObject() ) then return false end
return self:GetToolObject():FreezeMovement()
function SWEP:OnReloaded()
-- TODO: Reload the tool control panels
-- controlpanel.Clear()
And save the file. Done!
EDIT, Server files must be changed in order for this to be fixed!
Former SSRP Super Administrator
Former BHOP Moderator
Former Deathrun Administrator
Former Teamspeak Moderator
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