Have you been recommended to join the gang by any current gang members? If so please list their in-game names and ranks below along with anything they wish to relay to us before we go over your application [friendly - bases with me a lot - skilled raider - etc] I was not recommended to join the gang.
General Information:
In game name: REDPHOENIX
Steam name: REDPHOENIX19
Steam profile link:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:72068765
Age: 12. I will be 13 in the start of March
Do you use a microphone in game? Yes
Do you come on ZARP Teamspeak? If not do you have the ability to either get TeamSpeak or get on ZARP's TeamSpeak server? I don't go on it alot but I can go on it.
In game general information:
Current wealth: Right now I have 500k but I will have more in the next few days
Current amount of Special weapons, steel, and uranium: none gave it all away when I left.
Most recent gang you have been a part of and history of past gangs you've been a part of: I was in Gladius and strangers. I was in a other few but i can't remember.
Explanation of any recent rule-breaks or bans. Note they will be checked (does not apply to staff members): I got none.
RP Related:
Please answer these questions as truthfully as possible. This gang has many roles and responsibilities it needs filled. Give us an explanation to each of the following categories about yourself. The more you go into detail the better.
My skills in combat and raiding: in combat I am 7 out of 10 and in raiding I am 6 out of 10 The reason they are a bit low is because I just came back from my break from DarkRP.
Running RP shops [gun shops, drug shops, hotels, banks] I have only ran a gun shop before. If I do get in I will start doign the other shops.
Building [explosive resistant bases - smaller technical bases - RP shops - Printer safes - Drug shelves etc] I have no idea of how to build explosive resistant bases. i am good at buildign Rp Shops and Printer safes. I love building drug stuff I think it is so fun testing out different ways.
Leadership [Do people listen to you and respect you - are you a skilled raid leader - do you do what is best for the people working with you and fellow gang members] People do listen and respect me. I am an ok raid leader. I do the best for the team and for the base. If the base is being raided and i have alot of money in my printers I would rather try to defend the base.
Personality and how people perceive you: I have a bit of a shy personality but when I get to know people I get a bit more confident.
Knowledge of ZARP [Current trading prices of steel, uranium, special weapons - map awareness - different effects of explosive weapons] I only came back so I don't know what the prices are so I will just do the ones before I went. Steel 12.5k, Uranium 50-60k, Milkor 1-1.2 mil, Matator 4mil, M202 2mil, RPG 900k,Orb 15mil. I have alot of experience with the map.
Taking criticism constructively [If a higher rank tells you something they don't like about you or something you need to do better do you take that into consideration and change your ways or do you get angry at them because they said something negative about you] I would always do what a higher rank tells me because I am scared of them
. If they would say I was doign something wrong I would not get mad at them I would just fix it or make it better.
Following Orders of any higher ranking member without question [Do you have a tendency to question orders when they do not seem in your best interest] I do not question orders I just do what my comander tell me.
Other notable skills or ways you could be useful to the gang: Building and watching the base.
Why do you see yourself staying in this gang for a continued period of time? I think I would be staying in the gang for a while.
As a Spetsnaz member you will be expected to regularly contribute to the gang and help out with various tasks. Will you work to contribute and help the gang or do you have more of a tendency to just sit back and enjoy the perks of being in a gang taking it for granted? I would do anything to help the gang get stronger, if I saw a guy sitting back whe nwe are doing something important e.g being raided I would tell him to help and don't be lazy.
Unlike many other gangs we will be quick to discharge you from the gang if we feel you are not contributing or taking an active part in helping the gang and gang members. Will you commit to helping the gang and fellow members in the long run at any cost? Do you have a history of leaving gangs or gang hopping when they are going through a rough patch because you see something you think is better?I will commit to helping the gang at any cost. I only leave gang when they are going down hill e.g Strangers , Gladius.I do not go for the better gang I go for the one that is right for me.
This gang will be full of competition as far as getting accepted and from there getting promoted. Why should we choose you over the next applicant and where do you see yourself going in this gang? I think I should be accepted because I am a former DarkRP admin, Also I will be apply for staff soon. I am mature and respectful.I have alot of experience with the rules.
Any additional points to note about you regarding your application for Spetsnaz: No