(Basic Information)
-RP Name: Adam Holian
-Steam Name: AdamH450
-Steam Community Link:http: //steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058898177
-Age: 15
(DarkRP Information)
-Reason of former bans (if you had any): Never banned
-Activity on the server in daily hours: Trough the day about 7-8 hours
-Previous Gangs: Black Blood , Fedora Tippers.
-RP Money:2,100,000
-What can you do for the gang: I can offer being helpful in raids im pretty good with sniper , I can also offer gang members help when needed , im good at protecting bases.
-Why do you want to join this gang: I want to be a part of constanza i feel that there a powerful upcoming gang that I want to be part of
So thanks for your time I hope you accept