I intend to hold an event where you can win ingame money, because I'm rich and should ladle away 3 million of them rich need not all those who have no ingame money can get something too.
Then i gona random pick someone from the list
How to register
Name (Ingame)?: Rank?: Why you want this?: How much ingame Money you have?:
Name (Ingame)? AYGTX
Rank?: Not vip + normal player ( not modded )
Why you want this?: give 30 mil to a player who gonna buy me VIP
How much ingame Money you have?: almost 4 mil
Why you want this?: I used to have 30 mil, then I got scammed for 10 mil, and then I spent 10 mil on events ( to make people happpppppyyyyy) and now I print to try to get my money back. I would like the money to help me get my money back and enjoy DarkRP even more again! Thanks.
How much in game money you have?: Bout 7-9 million.