Basic information
In-game name : Angry Angry Robo
Country, timezone : Murica (America), Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00)
Age : 13, 14 in Febuary
Total server in-game time : I don't know this one, what i do know is that i have been playing since bloc42, a year ago or so.
SteamID or Steam Profile:, SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61119517
Rp related information: I play as a drug dealer, or gangster if that is taken, or hit man if gangster is taken, or wait around the tree if all is taken.
Rp Money: 616k at the moment
Special Weapons : 2 f200's, 1 rpg-7, 1 ares shrikes. Glad to use one at any giving time during a base defense. Excluding the rpg, used for raiding. I don't want to blow up the base.
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) :
Are you better at basing or raiding? : Basing. I have a godly aim with a shotgun. Pump ones, preferably.
Previous gang(s) : StookiTV, last summer.
What will you offer to the gang : Good base defense,
somewhat good raiding, and i am about to donate, if that helps you guys any.
Reason why do you want to join AoH: You have upgrades for your gang
, your base seems to be op, Johnny your f*ckin hilarious, i need to make some money im broke compared to other people on the server, your name is intimidating, i want to help out with what i can, StookiTV is a freaking joke atm (need a new gang), and i want some people to have my back if needed, or me having their back when they need.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, i hope to join the gang. And, srry if my spelling and grammar isn't perfect, i don't always pay attention in language arts class.