Ingame name: Aspectionz
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:104198158
Estimated Server Time (Gametrackers Recommended): i have a few hours but i have played alot of darkrp so i know how to play. I have really played alot.
Ingame cash: 1.7~m
Special Weapons: Nope but they aren't too expensive so i can probaly buy.
Special Permissions? (Moderator, vip etc.): Yes iam a "Very Important Person"
Teamspeak available? (Required): Yup i got it.
Have you been warned, if yes when and why?: Nevaa
Have you been banned, if yes when and why?: Nevaa
What can you bring to this gang?: I will defend and attack, build and destroy. I mug and i hug, i grind what i find. I'am a really patient defender that could easy sit in a base for 8 hours+ with maybe 2 small breaks. I prefer basing cuz that makes you rich and i feel like i could bring something to the team. I also enjoy raiding & ruining peoples bases and stealing thier printers.
I also have a few dupes that i could share for free if i got to know you guys a bit more.