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TOPIC: Disgraceful.

Disgraceful. 10 years 3 months ago #83794

I really have had enough with this server I have put up with it for about 1 year now and I will be moving with my friends and Gang members to another server, therefor I am doing this for you guys this will not effect me at all before I start I would like someone who is of age to be able to understand this...
Reason 1: The staff, most the moderators are people who know 20% of the rules and will hand out warnings when they have no proof just the other players word, (Bias). The F1 system is useless and to me and my friends causes more hassle then help, reason why is for example just today there was a Police when everytime I respawned they would see me spawn with a machete or Tommy Gun and INSTANT arrest me, I called for Staff, I entered F1's WHAT really pushed me to the edge was soon as I started to "Disrespect the Police" I could moderators shouting at me attempting to help the Police that at the time was only 5 all of the corrupt. Then I really got pissed the fuck off and closed down my computer to restrain my real thoughts and opinions from arising... WHEN I CAME BACK, I AM BANNED. By GEMS BOND for disrespect and to be honest I couldn't believe this "LEAVING TO AVOID PUNISHMENT" the only way for me and my friends/ gang members to ever return is for you to demote this GEMS BOND and also look into Redwingz as he has given me a false warning when he did not understand the rules. I would like to hear your shitty reason why GEMS BOND will not be demoted. Do not even think about calling me disrespectful as I have been disrespected by 2 members of staff the police and many many more, I have the exhaustive right to be disrespectful as that is only what your server seems to care about. Thanks for your time -_-
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DarkRP - Moderator
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Disgraceful. 10 years 3 months ago #83795

If you want to report a staff member use the template.
Add proofs and explain the situation.

If you decide to leave, goodbye & have fun.
Good luck.
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My Animelist!
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Disgraceful. 10 years 3 months ago #83796

You're welcome.
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Disgraceful. 10 years 3 months ago #83797

I got called in by a moderator, who was going to warn you for strong disrespect, since you left i had to deal with it in another way, you should have waited and recieved your punishment.

The ban was 10 hours, which is kind imo.
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Last Edit: 10 years 3 months ago by Gems.
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Disgraceful. 10 years 3 months ago #83798

Lets read through this, shall we?
before I start I would like someone who is of age to be able to understand this...
Alright so that's a big statement. Someone has to be a bit older to understand this? Can't wait mate. Bring it!
The staff, most the moderators are people who know 20% of the rules and will hand out warnings when they have no proof just the other players word, (Bias).
If this happens, it would be helpful to report it after it happened, instead of complaining after a long time.
The F1 system is useless and to me and my friends causes more hassle then help,
Oh i beg to differ. Maybe it's your fault it causes more problems than it helps? Have you tried being friendly during F1's?
I entered F1's WHAT really pushed me to the edge was soon as I started to "Disrespect the Police"...
Woow.. Every time you enter the server you agree to follow the rules. So i would give you an advise, to read through the rules.
1.2 Disrespect - Users of the ZARP community server are to conduct themselves respectfully at all times.
the only way for me and my friends/ gang members to ever return is for you to demote this GEMS BOND and also look into Redwingz as he has given me a false warning when he did not understand the rules. I would like to hear your shitty reason why GEMS BOND will not be demoted.
I would like to remind you, what you said in the beginning.
before I start I would like someone who is of age to be able to understand this...
How about you make a professional looking post, by being less immature about things. Gems did the right thing. You were in an F1 and logged off. And you were really disrespectful. It's your fault. Don't try to blame other people when you are clearly the one who did the wrong thing.
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GET SOME RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP GAMES AT www.g2a.com/r/user-55e1e47e829e4
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Disgraceful. 10 years 3 months ago #83799

I apologize but I can't read this post.

As I am too young, my brain cannot comprehend the complicated principles and arguments you are arguing.
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Disgraceful. 10 years 3 months ago #83803

Well its a bit sad that you wish to leave over these incidents. But if our staff are this bad, why would you even stay for over a year. Also if you feel our staff are not doing there jobs correctly just record them and create a demote request on them. And from what you have said its a lot of them who do it, so surely it was be VERY easy for you to catch them doing it and it wont take long before they are dealt with. But it could just be that you don't know our server rules and you can't handle actually being punished for the things you do wrong. Feel free to prove us wrong by showing us that our staff are abusing, but it sounds like you just have a personally issue with the staff and its you who is incapable of following our rules.

And as for Gems not being demoted, its because you have no evidence of him abusing and from what we have seen of him is a great staff member who does his job correctly and is a dedicated member of the community. If you provide valid evidence of him doing otherwise then crate a demote request action will be taken. But nothing will be done if its just you getting annoying for being banned with a valid reason. You don't have the right to be disrespectful in any OOC situation.

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