Normally i think its rather stupid to rage over a raid, since its a part of the game, also i dont really feel like i see you online ever, but that might be because you play on server 2. That being said i dont think you can call it beating 10 people when you are the one raiding since the players can be afk or otherwise not prepared.
Normally i think its rather stupid to rage over a raid, since its a part of the game, also i dont really feel like i see you online ever, but that might be because you play on server 2. That being said i dont think you can call it beating 10 people when you are the one raiding since the players can be afk or otherwise not prepared.
Oh trust me, they were prepared for the raid just not prepared to lose. All i'm saying is that if I alone was able to take your gang on, what will that leave for a gang of 15-25 people that we will soon have,
In-game name : RandomdudeDK
Country, timezone : GMT + 1:00
Age : 20
Gametrackers :
Server 1 :
Server 2 :
Total server in-game time : around 11000 minutes
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25808731
Steam profile:
RP related information
How much RP money you have : atm, 26mil
Special Weapons : 1 orbital. 1 M202. 6 milkors
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) :
Are you better at basing or raiding: equal.
Previous gang: AK81 and BIB
What will you offer to the gang: that will be seen.
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) : Recommended.
In-game name : RandomdudeDK
Country, timezone : GMT + 1:00
Age : 20
Gametrackers :
Server 1 :
Server 2 :
Total server in-game time : around 11000 minutes
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25808731
Steam profile:
RP related information
How much RP money you have : atm, 26mil
Special Weapons : 1 orbital. 1 M202. 6 milkors
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) :
Are you better at basing or raiding: equal.
Previous gang: AK81 and BIB
What will you offer to the gang: that will be seen.
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) : Recommended.
After voting with the Gods, we've decided to accept you as one of our members. You are now bound by the rules and information stated above, break them and we shall burn you down. Then send you to an eternity of suffering. May Death and Hatred be forever on your side!
Oh trust me, they were prepared for the raid just not prepared to lose. All i'm saying is that if I alone was able to take your gang on, what will that leave for a gang of 15-25 people that we will soon have
Yeah well, unless you can show me some legit proof then anyone could just say that, without it ever happening right?
Ya'll need to stop fighting with each other and work on getting on the same level as the Brotherhood. Reppin Bhood 4 Life Homie G Bizzle.
We're actually looking for an alliance with the brotherhood, Gemsbond wrote:
Yeah well, unless you can show me some legit proof then anyone could just say that, without it ever happening right?
I don't need to prove anything, less than a day of making the gang and already one of your members backstabbed you for us. GoodLuck, your going to need it.
I don't need to prove anything, less than a day of making the gang and already one of your members backstabbed you for us. GoodLuck, your going to need it.
Alright, im not gonna go that low, you need to get your ego under control imo.
I don't need to prove anything, less than a day of making the gang and already one of your members backstabbed you for us. GoodLuck, your going to need it.
Alright, im not gonna go that low, you need to get your ego under control imo.
You mean you're trying to avoid getting rekt? You better, cause this is BiG J you're messing with.
How about we settle this the old fashion way gem? Maybe you can tell me how big my ego is while you rage after we successfully raid you multiple times, oh wait we already did that.
In-game name :Nick Clegg
Country, timezone :England
Age :14
Gametrackers :
Server 1
Server 2 -
Total server in-game time : 300+ hours (although i have not been playing recently)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47138691
Steam profile :
Rp related information
How much RP money you have : $2,655,435
Special Weapons :Milkor
Video of a Basing (changed it) (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) : this was a year ago
Are you better at basing or raiding : Basing
Previous gang :The Brotherhood and UKIP
What will you offer to the gang : Basing skills + my amazing Trickshot and sniper skillz m9
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) :I believe that i should be chosen because i would like to join because i want to get back into dark RP and i would love to get started by Joining the Best of the Best and that's certainly you guys i really like what you are going for here and its awesome i would like to be the Chancellor if i am Accepted as i am awesome at both Defending and Raiding i also actually like the people in the gang as well so i hope you accept me and i hope to see myself basing along side you guys in the near future.
How about we settle this the old fashion way gem? Maybe you can tell me how big my ego is while you rage after we successfully raid you multiple times, oh wait we already did that.
Actually i dont recall that we tried that, so lets do it. Ill look forward to you raiding me over and over.
Oh yeah and allow me to demonstrate the size of your epen, you know, as requested:
New enemies : Outsiders changed to Tribe
We've also want to thank Progex , Zer0nix , Johnny Smith and RandomdudeDK for Buying the Machete Upgrade
New Warn System coming soon to the gang.
We will be making another thread that isn't full of arguments
In-game name :Onion Harper How much RP money you have :34million
Country, timezone :Ireland GMT Special Weapons :None
Age :14 video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) :None
Gametrackers : none Are you better at basing or raiding :Basing
Server 1 :Yes Previous gang :Harpers
Server 2 :Yes What will you offer to the gang :Guns and Others
Total server in-game time :3hrs Reason why do you want to join AoH: I want to join the AoH and help
Steam profile :OnionRings them raid make money and rekt people.The gang what im in right now is
never on!, <3