Ingame-Name: [Z] wallcop100
Age: 13
Country: Netherlands
Ingame Time: 2024 min
Aim with weapons from scale to 1-10 (1- Aim like a flamingo, 10-Aim like you have been born in blood): 7
RP-Money (200k+ Minimum): 500K (I wasted 500K on a new car
Favourite Weapon: Droganov Silenced Sniper
Base dupes?: None
Craftable Weapons?: None
Last time you got banned/what for?: Never
Last time you got warned/what for?: 2 weeks ago, advert abuse. (Feel this was a false warn)
Headset available?: Yes
Teamspeak available?: Yes
Why should we choose you? (recommend 40 words)
I have been thinking of joining for a while but I have never had the cash to do so. Last week I won on one of the quizzes and got 1 Mil. Also Rayman is in it and we are good buddys. <3. Thanks for considering this Ap4ch3!