LazyBro wrote:
sean3612 wrote:
CoolDawg wrote:
wow, you caught your self out mate first you said you were rp'ing as guard* now you said you were driving your ford good job bud
wow i like how you edited your post from gun dealer to guard because you knew you were wrong. you really are a bad mod...
Oi! Watch what you are saying over the forums, if you are really wanting unbanned the first thing I would suggest is to avoid flaming the staff member here.
Secondly please use the edit feature on the forums it is there for a reason. Add stuff to your previous post if no one has replied otherwise you are cluttering the forums and I would prefer not to see your post at the most recent over and over just because you are too lazy to click the edit button.
Also I think this ban needs looked into more carefully so lets see how it is handled.
I apologize for what I've said, I'm just extremely frustrated from these allegations against me.
Also, could this not be the case?
Yes, this player has been banned that was impersonating players with a script he was running.
"He has been banned, I'll unban you now.
Though, future reference, please use the correct template, and post Appeals in the Appeal Section.
Thank you for your patience.
Quoted from Morgan of Freemans when another person was falsely banned.