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well the mods on this server certainly stick up for each other (probably in more than one), but anyway I have screenshots to prove that this admin was rdming me and this mod was having none of it he had no KOS sign or anything, needless to say he came up with some bullshit reason why he could kill me, apparently if you own a house in the town and you step on his property he is allowed to kill me without a sign
I just think the mods or admins need to get their heads out their asses and stop being a stuck up bunch of pricks honestly the owner needs to get rid of them some of them are friendly and then some like apex just straight up suck the attachment below dose not show the admin but a friend of his who he was doing it with and the mod called chris it would be helpful if you could tell me where to put the thread if its not in the right area i thought it was considering it was on the zarp darkrp server |
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The section called 'Report Abuse' is probably what you are looking for, within the index.
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Please browse around the forums. The reason your post was locked was not so you would go and create the exact same one, it was so that you could go and post it in the correct section with the correct template.
You should've maybe checked the forum index before making this post. Locked. |
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