Warning: Please post your Application UNDER this topic as an reply. Don't make new topics on the forums.
RP Name:
Steam ID:
What jobs do you like on the DarkRP server?
How good is your Aim (0-10 With 0 being not good at all, and with 10 being a over pro)?
How active are you?
What do you want to do for our Organisation? (Set an X) (you can have more than 1) Buying Supplies while we are protecting the base [ ], Protect the base (you have to have an Aim of at least 8, training will be done) [ ], Raid bases (Only Aim of at least 6), Private Gundealer [ ]
- If someone is in the Twix Blacklist, don't rdm him. You may raid him, but SSRP is still not a Deathmatch-Server.
-You have to be active atleast every 3 days.
-If you protect our base, just let Twix Members inside, no one else.
-If a Twix is a traitor and destroys stuff in our base because we let him in, he will be deleted and he will be put in the blacklist.
-If you got Accepted, you have to change your RP Name in this style : (Your Name) Twix
Our Rival-Organisations [Everyone in Blacklist]:
The Hood.
Our Friendly-Organisations:
The Saints