Hello everyone how are you today?
How am I you ask, well I'm.... bloody frustrated!
Come on everyone! READ THE RULES!
FearRP is one of the most ignored and unread rules that it is collecting dust in a library in the section "fiction".
When I am off duty and I think its time to do some rule play even though I never seem to be able to go off duty because I see rule breakers bloody everywhere and have to deal with them even though I just want to enjoy some roll play! Annnnnyway me and Jeverboy decide to be master thieves and have some fun i.e raid people and mug people but everyone is breaking the fearRP rule and just run away or equip a weapon and try to kill you (never works).
And to those people that will comment and say "well in real life if someone pointed a gun in my face and tried to mug me I would like totally fuck them up!" (excuse my French) well I say to you sir, sit down and stop talking smack if in real life you were being robbed and a M16 or a SAW was pointed right at your face you, sir, would shit 7 different colours and not only give him your wallet but your cloths as well.
So PLEEEEASE PEOPLE read the rules.
Kind regards
A very frustrated kangaroo
Like Crazy already wrote we usually raid together and also walk together to mug people and really... no one cares about it they just say not very respectful stuff (not gonna say it here) and then they try to ran off or they pull out a gun. It is really frustrating... but not the fact that we loose some guns and die from time to time because of it, it is the fact that this is supposed to be role play. And most players of the server aren´t even near to take it a bit seriously.