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Yesterday I made a base, when I was almost done and I wanted to save it the server crashed. Today its the same deal... I bought also a money printer for 80.000 so I lost total 190.000... Its starting to annoy me. When will these crashes be fixed?
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Try asking for a refund from an admin
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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Its starting to annoy me. When will these crashes be fixed? All the developers are currently working on this issue. Please remember to read the top of the page on the "Forum Home"Stay tuned on steamcommunity.com/groups/zarp_gaming#an.../1748819050910093072 for information such as The server remains up, but to avoid disappointment we suggest that you do not purchase entities (printers, drugs, etc.) as they will not be refunded. -optec |
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Alright, then I will go to another server until this is fixed because today it crashed like 4 times now... I hope it will be fixed soon.
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I will stay but trust me it may be fixed soon I hope
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