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I've had quite some fun playing on your DarkRP-server. You're some very nice and friendly people and I simply love it! I've only had a tiny issue so far... I'd like to suggest making the rules on the DarkRP server more clear. It's no fun getting warnings and punishments from admin/mods if you broke a rule you didn't know anything about, right? I'm specifically referring to prop-rules. I recently recieved a warning and punishment(Oh the horrible death) for propblocking -> I know from reading the rules that abusive prop-using is against the rules but I had no clue that propblocking is absuive "since everyone else is doing it"(Just with a keypad and I didn't have a keypad). It might sound obvious that propblocking is included in the term: "abusive prop-using" and using keypads is a must!... However, you're not the fresh and completely green noob who needs to learn the game from a start. Finally, I know a warning and a death isn't really a punishment... I just want to get a clarification on the rules so I don't end up getting banned for something stupid like throwing buckets with babies because babies should be dead before thrown. Cheers. |
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We expect you to know these things.
If you don't know things such as : you need a keypad otherwise it's propblock, try to ask a administrator/moderator to help you. The prop rules aren't unclear aswell. Though you have a small point, just ask a administrator/moderator next time. We can't explain everything in the rules, it would be too long for most people to even consider reading. Use common sense, and if you lack common sense, ask a moderator/administrator. Locked |
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