Faithful wrote:
In the shortest way possible: Alt accounts are the reason the recipes are so damn high.
Since a player can have as many alts as they want that can place uranium units and mine steel/dumpster dive at the same time, it just makes it hard to really balance a list like that with them in mind, which I get is very unfair to players that don't use alt accounts. Some solutions could be to make it so alts can't place uranium units, perhaps make their uranium units print uranium at a slower rate, or create a new currency item that cannot be obtained by alts and add that to the recipes instead. This is something that would need to be discussed, however, since it would be quite a big change. If you've got any solutions that you think could solve this problem, I would like to hear em
In terms of the printer selection being dogshit that's something that can be changed
Alt accounts ruined everything related to gaining money, should have been stomped out when they first appeared. Instantly gaining a multiplier (equal to accounts) should have never existed, would have been way easier and a way better player experience to just get rid of alting. Instead things got balanced around alting.