Selling Boosters SSRP
3 years 10 months ago #1309515
menameisemil wrote:
Sam Winchester wrote:
menameisemil wrote:
Sam Winchester wrote:
Jordz wrote:
I think you've set your prices a bit too high mate, Why not try just for a mummy?
nah man this big guy called TrueOverL said he got offered exactly that per 10 doubled
you know that u arent gonna get your boosters sold and if he didnt do that hes dumb
mad cause bad
Sam said he offered 30(60) for all of things I said, I told him what someone offered me, I obviously denied it. No one is going to spend Mummy(6b)+4B cash [ 10 B ] for 10(20) boosters. I bought boosters way cheaper from Turtlx [4B cash for it]
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