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Orang3 wrote:
A PD raid is a PD raid unfortunately it's KOS no matter what so this is a valid kill... Please can you ask to be retrained and reread the rules thank you.When raiding the pd you may kos everyone who is a threat. An arrested player is not a threat there for you can not kill them. How ever if you unartest them you may then kill them. This is rdm and it’s so sad to see people I know are still doing this, also refunds for rule breaks are not a thing unless in extream circumstances when chute feels the need/or is being kinda/nice. As for what Baxter said saying the person who killed you can refund to avoid the punishment I’m not sure if that is a thing, but as seen as “refunding” showing some sort of fault the handling admin might let it slide. |
SSRP- Super Administrator
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