LlamaGeddon wrote:
Morgan wrote:
I don't think anything could. The server is nothing like it used to be and role-playing on the server disappeared years ago. It's more akin to an incremental game where every player is competing to grow their inventories and wallet balance but that was trivialized when game breaking bugs on certain wheels were not patched and not rolled back. Too many pointless suits made to chase booster pack sales it would seem. It's more of a cash cow than the experience it used to be.
Most staff at some point get bored of the servers they're staffing for though and ultimately stay around for the "process" of things or the people they play/talk with.
For the last year or two i've been hopping on and off of this forumn in the hopes that a 'classic' Zarp SSRP was back or atleast in talks. But seeing the above quote makes me think that once 'classic' is brought back, it'll be a fun gimmick for only so long. I'm not sure if I'm speaking for the majority or not, but personally I think sub-consciously I'm hoping 'classic' would be exactly like 2015 Zarp (when I played daily). However, in reality, the sense of nostalgia will only last so long, and will also not feel "whole"? I think a few people will agree that playing your favourite game for the 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th time, will never beat the experience and new feelings you felt, on the first time around.
"The server is nothing like it used to be and role-playing on the server disappeared years ago." - I fully agree. As above, I last played daily in 2015 and unfortunately time moves forward, or at least we do. I'm sensing that new players don't role play, or get as stuck in as we did back then? I remember when 'bases' and gangs were a core part of the experience, and the pure "oh Shit" moment you'd experience when you'd just placed your most expensive printer, and were also being raided.
Following the above, I think that in general the server needs to put a spin on things. Asking themselves, how do we implement some of that core gameplay, to a different audience that have never experienced it before? It's well and good asking us old timers what we miss, but some of the new players need to be drawn into it too. How do we influence players playing style, in terms of basing? How do we influence their play style, in terms of role play? Hopefully asking these questions can solve some issues, and revive a dying roleplay -tradition?- which 'disappeared'.
And one last thing. I understand Zarp SSRP needed to change, but who's the man behind 'suits', 'nukes', and excessivly overpowered guns? Yes you need to stand out, but this didn't cross anyone's mind? Not even a "Oh this is little OP, we'll have it limited to be used at a certain time frame on a certain day(s)"?
That's some of my thoughts. R.I.P 2015
I remember a good few years ago, my friends and I were playing on ZARP's Evilmelon map. There were three of us. We had found a place in the train tunnels, we found an open train carriage and settled our props and printers. We set up chairs and watched and waited. We eventually fell asleep, and at around 5 in the morning, 5, or 6 hours after we had first set up - I woke up. I wasn't sure how I managed to, but I did. We were being raided. I called out to my friends, who quickly woke up aswell, I was really lucky they did, because I'm a terrible shot. We killed all the raiders, but it was such an intense experience, we decided to just pack it in for the night (or morning by that point). We had made profit. That was all that mattered.
This was before handcannons, triple and quad boosters, before most, if any special printers made the rounds. This was before the vast majority of overpowered weapons, and the only tools you had in your arsenal was a PSG or some kind of equivalent. I think the SVD was pretty popular back then, not sure. My friends favoured shotguns, even if they weren't overly dominant.
Personally, I still enjoy the majority of the new content.
But, maybe it's because I spent it with friends, or because of how intense it was, such a big battle in such a small space... that will always be the most memorable, and arguably most enjoyable experience of my time here in ZARP. No offense to Chute, Xnator, or EMP. I do enjoy the content, like I said. But even I miss those days where a raid was a battle of skill, and not resources.
Side note: I recall gun dealers sitting in their shops, and they'd buy ammo individually, slowly fill up a big-ass crate with a bright green display at the front of it that counted how many was in there, and how much each one was. Maybe I'm just really ignorant and I haven't noticed if they're still there anymore (I never really play gun dealer anymore), but I get a strange amount of nostalgia from that, too.