Steam Profile Link:
Rate your activity on the server (Gametrackers recommended):
started playing again and i usually play a lot almost daily
Rate your overall attacking skill:9/10
Rate your overall defending skill:10/10
What server are you mostly on? s1
State your in-game cash balance: 147mil
bouth 16 summer printers x3 upgrades and scan jammers so yeah
State your currently owned upgrades,special weapons and suits:
health,armour,scope,ammo upgrades
S.C.A.N. master ; 200 nitros ,t guns,m202s,
Do you agree to abide by all gang rules?:
Why do you think you should be chosen to join? (at least 50 words):
lost my evo and my mini 2.0 so i bouth a lot of stuff to get that back and more and i'm feeling like i'ma be playing zarp for a long time again so i need a good gang i can do stuff with . I mainly want to fight people i don't care who gets the loot from vaults i just wanna help and kill people . i've been farming a lot and i'l start again so i need smft else to do so i don't get bored of zarp again ... pls accept me my Rapsheet is almost spooky clean