RP Name: xDutchCat#RoadTo6969m
Steam Profile:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47817991
DarkRP GameTracker: I dont know how many hours i've been playing, since 2015 in zarp, around 750 hours
I dont know neither how to use the gametracker
Cash: 1.3bil right now
Items: Best item is a Minigun 2.0
Recent Punishments: None
Why you?
I'd like to help people out, I've seen Interstellar being super friendly towards everyone but few people, Interstellar helped me out gaining alot of money by basing with me, they've gifted me some items when i needed it the most. I'd like to do that in return aswell for the new coming people, I'm in general super friendly only got some mental issues my self which is none excuse.
I've seen alot of members being friendly, doing zonecaps and i'd like to help defend, raid, nuke and destroy when is necasarry.