Welcome to the thread that will list every case that is currently on SSRP as of 16/12/2020. I have not included the Steam case or items similar to it, which only make appearances during special events and can have different contents every time it re-appears.
All cases are in alphabetical order and so are their contents.
Blueprint Case
Advanced Combat Suit Blueprint
Airstrike Blueprint
BaseShield 5000 Blueprint
Defibrillator Blueprint
Designer Suit Blueprint
Diamond Lockpick Blueprint
Diamond Pickaxe Blueprint
Door Charge Blueprint
EDF Suit Blueprint
Gamma Rifle Blueprint
Gauss Rifle Blueprint
Gem O' Matic Blueprint
GenCorp Spartan Laser Blueprint
Golden Plated Printer Blueprint
Hand Cannon Blueprint
Handheld Ion Cannon Blueprint
Lamborghini Murcielago Blueprint
Loot O' Matic Blueprint
Magik Laser Pistol Blueprint
Magik Printer Blueprint
Minigun 2.0 Blueprint
Molotov Cocktail Blueprint
Nano Suit Blueprint
Nuclear Launch Blueprint
Orange Core Grenade Blueprint
Orange Core Printer Blueprint
Portable EMP Blueprint
Printer Booster Blueprint
Printer Booster Quad Blueprint
S.C.A.N Master 5000 Blueprint
Special Car Blueprint
Tactical Insertion Point Blueprint
Terroriser Outfit Blueprint
Thief Outfit Blueprint
Thundergun Blueprint
Thunderhammer Blueprint
Tuxedo Suit Blueprint
Cash Case
Cosmetics Case
Cat Ears
Fairy Wings
Jump Pack
KFC Bucket
Witch Hat
Party Hat
Easter Case
Barricade Kit
Easter Printer
Jet Suit
Master Sword
Orb Launcher
Evil Box
Evil Printer
Grim Reaper
Holy Hand Grenade
Lightning Strike
Nail Seeker
Saw Gauntlet
Festive Box
Advanced Combat Suit
Festive Printer
Laser Dagger
M303 Advanced Rocket Launcher
Medi Shield
Printer Hacker
Fire Box
BaseShield 5000
GenCorp Juggernaut Suit
GenCorp Orange Core Printer
Handheld Ion Cannon
Hyper Suit
Iridium Printer
Jet Gun
Printer Hacker 2.0
GenCorp Case
GenCorp Juggernaut Suit
GenCorp Orange Core Grenade
GenCorp Orange Core Printer
GenCorp Portable EMP
GenCorp S.C.A.N Master 5000
GenCorp Spartan Laser
Golden Blueprint Case
Advanced Combat Suit Blueprint
Airstrike Blueprint
BaseShield 5000 Blueprint
Designer Suit Blueprint
Door Charge Blueprint
EDF Suit Blueprint
Gamma Rifle Blueprint
Gauss Rifle Blueprint
Gem O' Matic Blueprint
GenCorp Spartan Laser Blueprint
Golden Plated Printer Blueprint
Hand Cannon Blueprint
Handheld Ion Cannon Blueprint
Loot O' Matic Blueprint
Magik Laser Pistol Blueprint
Magik Printer Blueprint
Minigun 2.0 Blueprint
Nano Suit Blueprint
Orange Core Grenade Blueprint
Orange Core Printer Blueprint
Portable EMP Blueprint
Printer Booster Quad Blueprint
S.C.A.N Master 5000 Blueprint
Special Car Blueprint
Tactical Insertion Point Blueprint
Terroriser Outfit Blueprint
Thunderhammer Blueprint
Golden Egg
Designer Suit
Gauss Rifle
Golden Plated Printer
Minigun 2.0
Riot Shield
Thunder Hammer
Hell Case
Combat Drone
Hell Printer
Hell's Retriever
Knight Demon Suit
Napalm Launcher
S.C.A.N Jammer
Hoverboard Case
Aperture Science Hoverboard
Big Plank Hoverboard
Blackhat Hoverboard
Cloud's Hoverboard
Hotrod Hoverboard
Stuntboard XE Hoverboard
UFO Hoverboard
Unreal Hoverboard
Viper Hoverboard
Ice Case
EVO Suit
Ice Printer
K398 Predator
Radiation Shield
Red Dress
White Tuxedo
Iridium Case
EVO Suit
Ice Printer
K398 Predator
Radiation Shield
Red Dress
White Tuxedo
Lava Box
Flaming Hot Rod
Flaming Knight Demon Suit
Flaming Master Sword
Flaming Ultraboard
Hell Printer
Jet Gun
Napalm Launcher
Legendary Case
Handheld Ion Cannon
Iridium Pickaxe
Iridium Printer
K398 Predator
Mummy Suit
Nano Suit
Skull Printer
Tactical Insertion Point
Magik Box
BaseShield 5000
Handheld Ion Cannon
Magik Laser Pistol
Magik Printer
Nano Suit
Tactical Insertion
Mega Rare Gift
Black Diamond Printer
EDF Police Heavy Armor Suit
EMP Grenade
Hand Cannon
Printer Booster x3
PD Case
Door Charge
GenCorp Portable EMP
GenCorp S.C.A.N Master 5000
Golden EDF Suit
K398 Predator
Tactical Insertion Point
Rare Egg
Door Charge
EDF Suit Blueprint
EMP Grenade
Hand Cannon Blueprint
Orange Core Grenade Blueprint
Printer Booster x3
Terroriser Outfit Blueprint
Rares Case
Diamond Keypad Cracker
Diamond Printer
Door Charge
Gamma Rifle
Terroriser Outfit
Santa's Box
Controllable Turret
Dark Matter Gun
Holo Pilot Suit
Nuke Jammer
Santa Printer
Skull Case
Acid Grenade
Battle Axe
Mummy Suit
Skull Printer
Summer Box
ASMD Shock Rifle
Ion Beam
Meteor Shower
Portal Suit
Quantum Entanglement Device
Summer Printer
Weapons Case
Ares Shrike
Damascus Sword
M134 Minigun
M202 RL
Matador RL
Milkor Mk1 GL
Orbital Strike
Proximity Mine
Striker 12
Timed C4
Advanced Tripmine
Electro Cannon
Ninja Stars
Valkyrie Rockets
Visor Suit
XMAS Printer