Yelich wrote:
Kulm wrote:
Yelich wrote:
Skrr Pull Up wrote:
Yelich wrote:
Skrr Pull Up wrote:
Yeet man is so toxic and sad af lmao the attention seeker makes me crack up every time
it was only a year ago!
Sad to see you still might have not changed but tbh idk cus you’ve had me blocked for a long time after you got salty.
Wait who are you?
Oh I was in clarkys ts and he tried to get my ip or some shit so I called him out for it and blocked him
Then report him to higher up's we dont care
Also which one is it?
Sad to see you still might have not changed but tbh idk cus you’ve had me blocked for a long time after you got salty.
Did be block you or you block him?