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You were banned by me, I caught you on a family shared account using cheats and MassRDMing. Doing as such is a very serious offense. I really don't trust that this was your brother and even if it was you're responsable for things done using your accounts. Long story short if you don't want to risk a ban don't let other people on your accounts.
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I'm pretty sure that family sharing a CS:GO account denys you accessing the Official CS:GO servers so, if thats what you were going to do, I think that it's a lie.
Again, its already been mentioned but, your account, your responsibility. If this actually was you, take some responsibility and mature up. |
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You're tired at 3pm? Your sleep schedlue is more fucked then mine holy shit
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I have talked to Tyler Durden about your appeal and we have decided to DENY this appeal as you have broken many major rules.
Feel free to make a another appeal next week. -Lock please |
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