xDutchCat wrote:
No one wants to handle, so I will
Sinz stop mass NLR and shitposting!
I don't know if you are doing it on purpose to just piss me off by saying that I have nlr and make others believe that they are right just because they saw that I was in a nlr zone when they not seen what it is really happend and that it was the context of this one whereas I said word for word i didn't nlr so that why I will put rule 2.3 to justify the facts so that they stop making me take a dump.
2.3 New Life Rule - Do not return or interact with the district that you died in within three minutes of dying, unless otherwise specified by a different rule. If you died in the spawn district you should leave the district promptly without any role-play interaction.
In this clip I was trying to escape the spawn and the other districts without putting roleplay interaction in this case the facts are very visible we saw me starting from the spawn and trying to leave next to the spawn (electric spawn) in wanting to say in passing that this person who my mass rdm (see logs + the clip which show 2 rdm) I was going to postpone it in the ooc which is not an interaction in the roleplay but in the "Ooc" for people who do not didn't know.
Conclusion stop shit posting this report by saying that I have breaking the nlr while not just reading the rules and then thank you