OnionRings wrote:
I don't believe you should be unbanned in any way whatsoever. You are so toxic on the server when ever you play and constantly break the server rules. This is infact your second perm ban for exploiting on the server from what I know anyways. You are again lying in your appeal saying that you timed out of the server/lost connection even though the logs clearly prove otherwise. You placed down the nuke jammer then instantly retired the server then to claim you timed out even though the logs stated "disconnected by user". Everytime I see you online on the server you consistently just cause issues over and over again. You go out of your way to harass and manipulate our staff members by trying to force them to agree to your side of proof/opinion on a staff action or warning. You even once tried to do this to me. When you don't agree with a staff members decision even though you are wrong and you know you are wrong as when you go out of your way and say things like "If you don't do this or that I will contact Xantor or someone higher than you" and once you contact Xnator he just thinks you are being stupid and it never works out for you. Once you are banned for a good few months it might be time for you to have another chance but as for now I don't believe you should be unbanned and you need to stop trying to force staff to punish users etc. For now its a massive.
all you said is true , but permabanning for being toxic? Listen you think miss legend is walking at the edge of the rules then be it , they arent breaking any rule , please show the LOGS showing how its timing out or whatever else it is then you can ban but you still didnt get the logs , still didnt confirm , and the dude is already banned . This is honestly an attack more than a " keeping the server safe " being toxic and fooling you with your own rules isnt against the rules , got a problem with the rules you fix it not going around banning everyone that isnt following a rule that doesnt exist . And you cant just call him a liar like that bru thats unfair without solid evidence. Until the evidence is provided this should be accepted idk why all of you are making up things in your mind about how he MIGHT have used an exploit or how he MIGHT have just lost connection .