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Details: Steam Name: 007section1 Link to Steam Profile:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198129056902/ SteamID: 76561198129056902 Age: 15 Languages I speak English DR Related I would deal with a disrespectful player by first gagging them then muteing them the slaying them then if they still dont shut up i will kick them if they keep joining back and still being disrespectful then i can ban them |
Last Edit: 10 years 10 months ago by Chris.
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Oh come on.
It doesn't take 3 people to point out his mistakes, they've all been removed - you don't need to say what's already been said in these circumstances. Posts have been removed, and this topic has been denied for failed compliance with the full template. I fixed your title though: if you're still interested in applying, post it with the correct template and this title in the correct section (Moderator Application). LOCKED. |
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