Keith 4:20:
And as i walked up thy hill, thy keith walked with me and said: "I am going for community manager." He showed me a path where he was walking on earlier. And there were butterflies all around. As he held his hands up I shockingly noticed the words "skrub" on his arm. And all the butterflies magically flew one step back and created a path. And lord Keith said: "This is the path of truth". So we walked along the path and what we saw was thy truth stick. So lord keith said: "This is it. The moment of truth." On thy stick there was written just one sentence, but it was enough to create joy all around: "Keith CM 2k16". Thy Keith said very relieved "This stick is bringing us big joy, big news, big hopes, but it will never be as big as my stick ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)."
Congrats Keith!