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I must’ve really pushed it with this one, I am sorry JMT now revoke your resignation.
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Nafe wrote:
Dusky wrote:
JMTyeet wrote:
The bar to pass is very low, based off of how most the people in this god forsaken country speak.Lewis_is_java wrote:
JMTyeet wrote:
Buffy wrote:
do you skip English to zarp instead pal?LOL (laugh out loud) ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) LMAO (laughing my ass off) LMFAO (laughing my fucking ass off) LULE OMEGALUL KEKW went meant to be funny im angry no passed actually No way, The entirety of Zarp is in need of proof AND even then we still won't believe you. He has a point, Sinz could pass English over here, I think the threshold is turn up + don't leave mid test and you're in for a pass |
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Stewart_ wrote:
Nafe wrote:
Quote a random part of the item and say that it indicates the inevitable proleteriat uprising and the harsh exploitative nature of capitalism, easiest 7 i got Dusky wrote:
JMTyeet wrote:
The bar to pass is very low, based off of how most the people in this god forsaken country speak.Lewis_is_java wrote:
JMTyeet wrote:
Buffy wrote:
do you skip English to zarp instead pal?LOL (laugh out loud) ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing) LMAO (laughing my ass off) LMFAO (laughing my fucking ass off) LULE OMEGALUL KEKW went meant to be funny im angry no passed actually No way, The entirety of Zarp is in need of proof AND even then we still won't believe you. He has a point, Sinz could pass English over here, I think the threshold is turn up + don't leave mid test and you're in for a pass |
Last Edit: 1 year 10 months ago by maddox.
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