Ashur. wrote:
Ashur. wrote:
TheXnator wrote:
Ashur. wrote:
TheXnator wrote:
Nick0GR wrote:
Dauntless best gang what are you on about?
Etherious best gang
Sorry buddy, you're wrong
Do I have to hard code my gang to the top of the leaderboards?

go ahead, recode the entire gang system, because you were the ones that told us if you had to change the leaderboards to go off Upgrades and Loot instead of Loot you'd have to recode it completely

table.sort( TABLE, function( a, b ) return a.loot > b.loot end ) :shrug:
tell xnator that cause he said he'll have to recode it
The code DEAD has given you is the code used. I did not say that I would have to recode it to go by upgrades rather than loot, I would just have to change the index it sorts by for that, but I am not going to make it sort by upgrades, but am rather plan to add another element to the gangs which will be the overall score of the gang, which will use an equation to base it on number of members, number of upgrades, level and amount of loot, and then it will order by that.