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TOPIC: [SSRP Suggestion] A bunch of new stuff...

[SSRP Suggestion] A bunch of new stuff... 3 years 8 months ago #1276242

Yes, I know, the title is wack. But its the best we could come up with.... too much stuff to go over to give it one specific title. Sorry. :pinch:

So, we've decided to take a quick break from writing all these policy changes and the like, we've entered a bit of a writer's block when it comes to creating that type of content. We decided "Hey! it may be fun to think of some new SSRP stuff", so we've taken to contacting a couple of our old friends and seeing what they thought might be a good idea to add. We've asked them, gotten delightful responses with many ideas, time to work them out.

These first suggestions will be for SSRP as it is one of the most influential to our past. So we thought it'd come first. There are multiple suggestions in one and we hope that if not directly accepted it might at least inspire new item designs. Other than that... here goes.
Suit Jammer

Server Name: ZARP DarkRP

Suggestion Title: Suit Jammer

How would it benefit the server: The current "meta" if you can even call it that is that people need suits in order to complete any type of task to begin with. Nuking isn't just sitting with a dozen people in a district shooting PSG's and explosives down the one entrance of rich, it is a lot more plain, where people just sit in a suit with a gluon or a Ion cannon and keep spamming down the same corridor. Obviously suits were added that were gluon resistant but this more so serves to further the problem

The suit jammer is a type of tool that is peaceable on the ground like the BASESHIELD, whilst you are within its aura you cannot equip or de-equip a suit. In addition, if a suit was already equipped when you enter the area the suit's ability will be jammed and thus no longer be able to be used.

A suit jammer may make it so that basing may become a bit more viable, in addition, it may imply some interesting offensive options when used offensively, its up to the players to define the meta around the item but we see some good promise regarding it. And it will serve to bring back some of the good old day charm that raiding used to have back in the day.

Potential Issues/Exploits: It may be a mess to code, you'd need to go back into every suit and change their code to the equipping of it. In addition, an aura effect may be messy to work around and it might be extremely difficult to spot, perhaps a HUD indicator of some kind should be added for suits, or allow the Scan Master to find the aura's.

Additional notes: Ever since suits started defining the meta some people have grown to disliking basing and the like. Suits are incredibly powerful methods of defending and or attacking a base or nuke and they are often crucial in the most dire of raids. This item will directly counter the ever evolving power of the suits and will impact them no matter how strong or weak they may be.

We had also imaged for this item to be destructible as the nuke is. So that placement has to be well thought out. However, it may lead to people finding exploits as to placing it inside of other props and or walls, requiring specific rulings to avoid such problems.
Shield Battery

Server Name: ZARP DarkRP

Suggestion Title: Shield Battery

How would it benefit the server: Armour is a messy thing nowadays. it is necessary but recharging it is a slow process. Thus we suggest a (once again) placeable item that would serve to passively regenerating armour beyond the point an armour upgrade can. This might serve to make defending a raid more easy, or allow for creating a point where raiders can retreat into and recharge their armour.

Our vision for this item was for it to be a placeable, destructible item which automatically regenerates armour to nearby players at bout half the rate a armour charger can do. These items could potentially be craftable as their use is quite great but they are not nearly as much of a power spike as suits are. Serving as a nice thing to have, but ultimately not the most crucial.

If some think it may be too weak you can always introduce a feature that will overcharge the armour, perhaps to 150 or even 200 instead of capping at 100.

Potential Issues/Exploits: Many of the same issues that applied to the above apply here, though messing with armour is a lot less problematic than messing with suits, as obviously a couple thousand is not much compared to millions if not billions.

Additional notes: Not for this one.
Cryo Grenade

Server Name: ZARP DarkRP

Suggestion Title: Cryo Grenade

How would it benefit the server: These grenades will serve to counteract the strength of drugs like amphetamines or even suits. This grenade will be a tossable explosive that may be obtainable by 3 - 5 total. It will give the user one grenade which they can toss like the EMP grenade or the Orange Core Grenade.

When tossed it explodes, slowing all entities within its blast radius. The movement penalty can be quite severe perhaps anything from like 50% - 75% of the total speed. This would allow people to more easily land their shots on slower targets whilst indirectly countering suits and drugs alike.

Potential Issues/Exploits: Grenades may be iffy, though I feel that this might be one of the weaker suggestions it might none the less serve as a great alternative. One can easily copy the code of their the Orange Core or the EMP and make the changes accordingly.

Additional notes: None for this either, though two more grenades will come up (well... the item already exists but its a change)
Make the EMP Grenade great! (Again)

Server Name: ZARP DarkRP

Suggestion Title: Make the EMP grenade great again

How would it benefit the server: Alright, so hear me out, this is technically a 2 in one. I have two proposals as to how to change the EMP grenade to make it more able and useable. They will be outlined below.

Idea #1: The Good Old Grenade Back in the day we used to be able to pull out an EMP grenade, toss it then holster it immediately after. The explosive would do as it does now and we could keep it for a later day. Now EMP grenades are no longer holsterable and I feel that severely degrades their usefulness. Either they should be craftable or should become infinite once more to ensure that those pesky doors will not stand in your way.

Idea #2: Buff that .... So this one is akin to the first suggestion made above. Perhaps the EMP grenade could become more useful to justify its rarity and limited useability. What if the EMP grenade could temporarily disable electronics to begin with? Imagine this, a nuke is about to explode, 5 seconds away and the count down is ticking. An EMP grenade tossed at it might allow you to catch those extra few seconds you need to destroy it.

This grenade would affect all the things that people would care about, base shields, suits, chargers, maybe even some of the more powerful weapons such as the Ion cannon, the Spartan Lazer or the M303. It serves as a temporary moment of weakness. We have become too dependant on electronics anyway, lets see what happens if you take their toys away from them. Even if it is brief.

This EMP effect would apply to all players in its blast radius and persist for 5 - 10 seconds depending on how much you'd want to effect. Printers, labs, coolers all the like would be temporarily unable to produce cash. The base shield might be able to be temporarily disabled and nukes may be temporarily suspended, buying you more time.

Potential Issues/Exploits: Constant spamming of the backlog of grenades may serve as an anarchic state briefly after this would be applied but we feel this would work in the favour ultimately at the end. Another issue would be you'd need to potentially edit hundreds of items and entities which may be an issue indeed...

Additional notes: N/A
Armour Capacity Upgrade

Server Name: ZARP DarkRP

Suggestion Title: Armour Capacity Character upgrade

How would it benefit the server: We feel that armour is weird. Who does not use a suit or go to the hospital to buy 200 or even 300 armour? In essence, quite a few of you may say that you do not cause its too much of a hassle. And this item will remedy that. This upgrade, crafted like any other (or perhaps cheaper to make it more accessible to new players) will improve your armour capacity from 100 to 200 or even 300. This would make it so that armour may slowly trickle back up when you have the armour upgrade and might have some underlying in game impact on how some fights go.

Potential Issues/Exploits: As far as we could tell there's no clear method of setting max armour, unlike health. So you'd need to make changes into the actual code to make sure that things can trickle up or be healed back even without a formal method of doing so. Sorry. In another note, you could always convert it to 200 health, who knows.
Orbital Repair System

Last Placeable item I swear, also COMEBACK!
Server Name: ZARP DarkRP

Suggestion Title: Orbital Repair System

How would it benefit the server: We all know the drill of our props breaking down with no real way to fix it except for the base shield. But it is slow and sometimes questionable in its effectiveness. Even though it does improve the props health. This system partially changes that. It attempts to repair any prop within a radius much larger than that of the Base Shield 5000. And it'll heal much quicker across gangs with which you are allied. However, unlike the base shield it cannot improve a props health beyond its normal limit.

This item should probably be craftable with some uranium and perhaps steel so that new players may make use of it. A lot of players might leave a new player be but this item would permit them a chance to sit back and recover from an attack after parts of their base has just been blown up. It grants vital breathing room.

Potential Issues/Exploits: This item like many others faces the same issues as many other placeables. And their usability might be questionable.
And... that's it These are our ideas. We know an update is soon on the horizon and that most of the features may not fit into the current meta of ZARP but we'll put it out there regardless so that we had something to work on. Who knows maybe some ideas may be implemented and or inspire other ideas within the developers of the community.

We hope you at least like one of them and feel free to suggest different items and or even mention which one is your favourite. Perhaps you have a suggestion on how to improve on some items listed above, we'd love to hear your feedback. Regardless, we'll leave it at that for now. We'll see you all next time, and in the replies.

Hope you have a great day!
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[SSRP Suggestion] A bunch of new stuff... 3 years 8 months ago #1276246

This is as always a great suggestion, and I'd love for these to be in the game :plussp: #MakeEMPsGreatAgain!
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Last Edit: 3 years 8 months ago by HoodDroid.
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[SSRP Suggestion] A bunch of new stuff... 3 years 8 months ago #1276250

I don't quite understand why this post is worded as if coming from multiple people (we, our, etc.) but maybe I'm missing something. Regardless:
- I really like the thought of the SUIT* (edited to fix typo) Jammer.
- For the Shield Battery we already have similar things for Health regen, and I feel like Armor regen on top of that could be a bit iffy and open to causing frustrations when raiding these people.
- The Cryo Grenade seems cool but I could see it being a bit of a nightmare to code. With things like headshots not being that significant on the server, I don't think the problem is not hitting someone but more just people not being killable in spite of how many hits they take.
- I think the EMP Grenade is already OK and it isn't actually that rare on the server, so I think things are ok with that at the moment and if it was buffed then they would need to make it rarer and at that point, I don't really see a point.
- With the Armor Capacity upgrade, yeah, armor 'overcharging' is a bit weird on the server at the moment. I think a nice remedy would be for these to be character upgrades, and maybe also new gang upgrades, which combined would give a fairly nice upgrade to your armor overall.
- Basing is quite broken at the moment, but I don't know if the Orbital Repair system fixes this. Bases seem to either be a) incredibly easy to raid or b) so incredibly dumb and difficult to raid that there's no point. I feel like this system only really benefits the latter. Perhaps an entry-level prop damage defense system would be better.

Nice suggestions nonetheless :)
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Last Edit: 3 years 8 months ago by Justice.
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[SSRP Suggestion] A bunch of new stuff... 3 years 8 months ago #1277987

Its almost been a week! Justice has given some amazing feedback (thanks for that) and I mostly agree with what you are saying. The only thing I'm not sure of is the EMP grenade but most other things seem to somewhat be true in fact. And perhaps we'll consider changing the O.R.S. to something that might allow to easier prop protection. Could always be a craftable.

We have not quite been able to think of any additional ideas so far, we've still been on a bit of a busy schedule but I feel like getting some more feedback would be great! So consider it bumped!
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[SSRP Suggestion] A bunch of new stuff... 3 years 8 months ago #1277990

I believe the reason why this has so little interaction is that it's very long and detailed which pushes a lot of people away, maybe if you were to add a TL;DR version it would increase the amount of comments!
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