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ingame name -
crystaal Steam-ID - (What is the accused person's Steam-ID?) STEAM_0:202357214 Evidence Of Steam-ID - (Screenshot or video of the accused players Steam-ID) streamable.com/d9jgl8 Server - (What server was this on?) s1 Time And Date (PST) - (When did it happen?) 20-30 minutes ago from now Reason - (What rules did the person break?) Suit RDM Story - (What happened?) I respawned pre holstered my item went towards the bank then he rdmed my suit Proof - (Any proof (video or screenshot) that clearly shows what happened.) streamable.com/chyqmv - if a longer clip is needed I will provide it , Extra Information - I do not want a refund I want him to get banned |
Last Edit: 5 months 1 week ago by Legendary.
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(FAdmin) ded (STEAM_0:0:222313824) Banned crystaal (STEAM_0:1:202357214) (1 week(s)) (Suit rdm + Recents) |
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