Heading Title: KV-Twoerminator
Heading Title Color: Idk, anything, just let it be kind of Metallic - like a tank :3
Lower Text (Optional): Socialism prevails!
Lower Text Color: Red - Stronk Red for Soviet Color!
Wallpaper (Optional): Anything is okay, you are the boss for making these things, so I won't risk it by linking my own one
Size: Again, anything is fine since you are amazing at doing this
Stroke/Bold Outline Yes/No (Optional): If it looks better in your opinion, sure.
Express Your Thoughts (Optional): First of all: FINALLY I HAVE A CHANCE TO GET SOMETHING MADE FROM YOU - Second of all: I love your Avatar's / Signatures, so I really would like this.
Font (Choose a font
www.dafont.com) (Optional): Anything is nice, just make it look normal, or tanky, or metallic
Signature Size (Default/Custom): Default
Pop Out/2D: Pop out? Sure.
No Background? (Optional): If it looks better in your opinion, sure. :3
*After 6 long months, I finally get a chance for this top kek*